Amnesty International

Censored tweets

Agency: DM9Rio


In Brazil, Anistia Internacional (Amnesty International) is working with agency DM9Rio on a Twitter-based social media campaign to highlight censorship.The Censored Tweet ( ) campaign lets users tweet black bars of censorship, as if the tweets were being banned in their Twitter timeline. At the end of the "censored tweet" is a non-identified link encouraging followers to click and take them to the website, where they will find the words "In many countries, this is what happens to those who try to express themselves." The webpage is available in five different languages and automatically recognizes the country where it is being accessed from.

This professional campaign titled 'Censored tweets' was published in Brazil in February, 2013. It was created for the brand: Amnesty International, by ad agency: DM9Rio. This Digital medium campaign is related to the Public Interest industry and contains 1 media asset. It was submitted over 11 years ago.


Advertising Agency: DM9Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Creative Directors: Alvaro Rodrigues, Diogo Mello
Art Directors: Guilherme Cunha, Ana Novis, Igor Quintella
Copywriters: Leonardo Konjedic, Rafael Ferrer, Rodrigo Dorfman
Project Manager: Anderson Passos
Producer: Cabana Criação


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