
Over the years, Coca-Cola has worked to consolidate its iconic red color as a distinctive element of its brand.

For this reason, we will use 'meals', one of our most important communication platforms for consumption occasions, to highlight through prints the importance of Coca-Cola's red color in meals, and its impact when the characteristic color is absent. In addition, we want to show how this color brings people together in moments when "Real Magic" is experienced.

This student campaign titled 'No Red No Taste' was published on April 20, 2024. It was created for the brand: Coca-Cola, by ad schools: Universidad Autónoma de Occidente, Universidad Central, and Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano. This OOH Outdoor and Print media campaign is related to the Soft Drinks industry and contains 6 media assets. It was submitted 17 days ago by Art Director: Luis Rosas.


Copywriter: Sara Hernandez, Juan Almanza
Art Director: Luis Rosas


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