
Screen and dog saver

Agency: BBDO

This professional campaign titled 'Screen and dog saver' was published in Brazil in May, 2014. It was created for the brand: Pedigree, by ad agency: BBDO. This Digital medium campaign is related to the House, Garden industry and contains 1 media asset. It was submitted about 10 years ago.


Advertising Agency: AlmapBBDO, São Paulo, Brazil
General Creative Director: Luiz Sanches
Creative Directors: Bruno Prosperi, Renato Simoes, Marcos Medeiros, Andre Kassu
Digital Creative Directors: Luciana Haguiara, Sandro Rosa
Art Director: Andre Sallowicz
Copywriters: Filipe Medici, Dudu Barcelos
Innovation Manager: Isabela Albero
Production: Goma
Programming: Oninteractive
Rtv: Vera Jacinto, Rafael Motta, Henrique Danieletto
Project Manager: Paulo Bazeggio
Digital Production Director: Fernando Boniotti
Media: Flavio De Pauw, Fabio Cruz, Isabela Albero, Juliana Melo, Caroline Pimentel
Account Executives: Fernanda Antonelli, Ricardo Taunay, Italo Neto, Samantha Keichichian, José Maria Fafe

Governo da Bahia


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