
Spokesperson for Your Brain

Agency: Humble & Wallop


The Brief: ThinkFun, a brand of global game and puzzle maker Ravensburger, has largely been a brand creating products for gifted children. But they're not the only ones who enjoy games like GravityMaze, Rush Hour, and Zingo. Adults do, too. How do we remind older audiences that these games are not only ridiculously fun, but also good for their minds?

Idea: Listen to their brains more - or the spokesperson for their brains, anyway. We see what a world of uninspired, idle minds looks like, and it's worse than any basement break room you can think of.

This professional campaign titled 'Spokesperson for Your Brain' was published in Germany and United States in October, 2023. It was created for the brand: Ravensburger, by ad agency: Humble & Wallop. This Digital medium campaign is related to the Education, Recreation, Leisure, and Toys industries and contains 1 media asset. It was submitted 8 months ago.


Advertising Agency: Humble & Wallop, Baltimore, USA
Production Company: Humble & Wallop, Baltimore, USA
Director: Dan Schepleng
Art Director: Rick Bowman
Copywriter: Matt McDermott and Dan Schepleng
Director of Photography: Kyle Deitz
On-Set Sound: Doug Horvat
Gaffer: Doug Jones
Post-Production Sound: Matt Davies


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