The Hostages and Missing Families Forum

Super Bowl Commercial That Was Never Aired

Teaser 1

Teaser 2


This weekend, the Hostages and Missing Families Forum is unveiling - a campaign disguised as a Super Bowl ad calling on Americans to urge their representatives to support releasing 136 hostages held by Hamas.

The term ‘Super Bowl ads’ is one of the most searched terms this time of the year, and through this, The Hostages and Missing Families Forum aims to reach out to new audiences that may not be aware of the hostage crisis, in which 136 people have been held captive by Hamas for over 4 months.
Featuring actor Michael Rapaport, the ad targeting Super Bowl fans, seems to promote a life changing app - but not the kind you’d expect. In an unexpected twist, viewers realize as the commercial unfolds, that is more than your average “life-changing” experience - it's a website that lets people automatically email their representatives and demand their support for the release of the hostages - not just changing their lives, but maybe saving it.

So true to the Superbowl format, we created two teaser ads (teaser1, teaser2) and a full 1 minute ad starring actor Michael Rapaport.

So far, over the span of just a few days, more than 100,000 letters were sent to elected officials in the US through the campaign calling for the release of 136 hostages still held by Hamas.

In addition to Rapaport, the campaign is also being spread by family members of the hostages who initially appear in an influencer campaign seemingly shouldering the use of the life shifting platform, before revealing themselves as relatives with loved ones still held captive in Gaza.

This professional campaign titled 'Super Bowl Commercial That Was Never Aired' was published in United States in February, 2024. It was created for the brand: The Hostages and Missing Families Forum, . This Integrated medium campaign is related to the Public Interest industry and contains 3 media assets. It was submitted 4 months ago.


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